Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monument Valley

In Arizona you find Monument Valley, a place of weird landscape and puzzling erosion.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Painted Desert

The Painted Desert is in Arizona west of Monument Valley and east of the Grand Canyon......it is so beautiful!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Monument Rocks

After a long, dusty drive down a dirt road in the middle of the plains is Monument Rock National Park. The only thing to note that you have arrived at the right place is a small sign and the Rocks, which stick way above everything else around them.
In the days of the wagon trains with their conastogas, this was a way stop....it was a major achievment to reach this point. As we looked around we were baffled by this choice.....was it only because it couldn't be missed? Because we saw no water in the immediate vicinity!

Friday, August 22, 2008


The dandelion...the scourge of the well kept grass lawn. You can dig it out, but leave a thread of root behind and it comes right back!

Persistant, and useful as well, it is a mild diuretic, makes a great addition to a salad (picked young), and a fanciful wine!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Prickly Pear Cactus

These cactus were located in our yard in Colorado.

Monday, August 11, 2008

More Monarchs

Monarch butterflies in great number were found on these purple loosestrife.
Beautiful butterflies and beautiful flowers!

It is sad to think that the purple loosestrife is considered invasive and a nuisance.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Purple Loosestrife

This is purple loosestrife growing along a road on the St Regis Mowhawk Indian Reservation, in up state New York. Purple loosestrife is a very pretty plant but considered invasive as it is not natural and will take over wet areas quickly.
A note of interest....the Mowhawk call this area not St Regis, but Akwesasne, where the partridge thumps.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Susquehanna River

Along the Susquehanna River passing Harrisburg, PA the river freezes in winter. Some years the river freezes solid, side to side. The ice gets deep.
Years ago in spring the ice would crack and break with a cannon like boom....Not anymore, it has not frozen that solid in years.

Italian Lake

Italian Lake in Harrisburg, PA after the snow storm.

Frozen in Time

For those of you suffering from the heat in the middle of August here are a few colder shots to entertain you.
This was taken at a water run off on the mountain face above Harrisburg, PA. Note the plant frozen in the ice....hence the name.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Vanashing Breed

The Monarch butterfly is diminishing in numbers year after year.....this is August and the first monarch I have seen this year!
This monarch is perched on the dead flower of a Queen Anne's Lace plant.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bird's Nest

A little nest, having done its work for the year now has fallen to the ground.
May your hatchlings fly free and safe

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Red Maple in Spring

Spring....awakening, life surging, brooks gurgling......sigh, not too hot!

St Louis Arch

The St Louis Arch is a well known attraction, it can be seen for many miles as you cross the Mississippi River.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Wild Turkeys

Wild Turkeys stolling down the road at Yellowstone National Park.

Devil's Tower

Imposing and solitary, Devils Tower was an important landmark for the Plains Indians. One legend concerning it's origin tells of seven little girls who run into a low rock to escape bears. The rock carried them upward to safety.
Unfortunately the rock carried them all the way to the sky, where the girls turned into the Pleiades.
Devil's Tower rises to 1280 feet above the Belle Fourche River